Being Happy & The "Y.O.L.O Theory"

Hello again internet strangers, Don't be fooled by the title of this post: this is going to be some serious and deep stuff (and hopefu...

Hello again internet strangers,

Don't be fooled by the title of this post: this is going to be some serious and deep stuff (and hopefully not lame).

Sorry for not updating my other posts and follow the right order of things but today I felt like writing about something else.

So here I am, 11:35 pm, scrolling through twitter after an exhausting day at work, as one does right? Unfortunately or fortunately enough I came across a picture and I ended up thinking about life. Not just "thinking about life", but actually putting some thought into it.

So here it is:

I saw this picture and I realized I don't want this for my life. I don't want to be in " countdown mode" because some day the countdown will be over and I'll have nothing to look back to and have one of those moments where I say "Hell yeah! Those were the days!"

This being said I'll try to encourage myself by encouraging you, online people. And this is where the "Y.O.L.O. Theory" comes along, I'm not using this as an excuse to do something stupid like jumping off a cliff just cause. I'm using its literal meaning: You only live once, like for real, you only get one chance to do something great with your existence and I'm a firm believer that people should do whatever they can to achieve their goals and live a happy full filled life.

So don't wait for something great to knock at your door: make it happen. I know its easier said then done, but I'm not saying you have to do it overnight, do something new every day, find a new motivation everyday and do whatever it takes to make you feel like you're living life to the fullest (unless that's unethical or illegal, then I suggest you find something  better to aim for, you know?)

That's all I want for life: to be genuinely happy and not have to wait for something exciting to happen to me. I want to be responsible for those things, those great things that I'll hopefully achieve someday.

I hope you could take some good advice from this post and I hope you make some changes for the better in your life like I'm going to try to do!

Yeah, be happy because "Yolo" or whatever the cool kids say these days.

Sorry for the randomness and thank you if you made it to the end of the page.

See you in the next one maybe?


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