Getting Braces - Eva's View Of Life

Hello again! As you can see by the title, here I am today to tell you all about getting my braces on and live every teenager's wo...

Hello again!

As you can see by the title, here I am today to tell you all about getting my braces on and live every teenager's worst nightmare.


So there comes the day when you look at yourself in the mirror longer than you usually do. And all of that self-conscious thoughts enter the room with no permission what so ever. 

You smile and immediately frown, you turn in every possible way to see if you can hide your crooked teeth but they are there, they simply exist and they make themselves noticed.
and you actually thought that you could live without smiling in pictures and laughing with your hand in front of your teeth, but all those memories creep on you hand in hand with the hateful comments you heard in middle school when petty kids made fun of how you looked.

And in that moment, standing in that bathroom  you finally grow a pair and schedule a dentist appointment. 

     You end up sitting in a reclining chair, in a room mostly white with a few decorations that include stuffed toys and other miscellaneous crap on every corner. (And all of those items have one thing in common: they all have freacking sparkling white dentures)

       Looking at the ceiling during that hour and a half gives you a lot of time to think about the time that fixing your theeth and your self-esteem is going to take, the amount of pain your going to feel - witch believe me, will be a lot since they're jabbing several wires in your mouth: the pain while eating, the pain while not eating, the pain while talking and all the other types of pain you discover along the way make the process a lot more enjoyable.

The dental floss they gave me was also a very interesting item (besides costing almost 4 euros, I mean who spends 4 euros on dental floss?) since it it has a very hard tip (again, absolutely great for stabing yourself when you just woke up) so you can squeeze it between your theeth and new wires - so there's another thing to look forward if you're getting braces soon, and if you already removed yours I envy you and hope I make it there too without killing myself.

(And there's also a very special place for people that never needed braces - I slightly hate you)

So bottom line, I hope I look good as hell after all this crap.

Thanks for reading and until next time.


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