Wisdom Tooth Removal - Eva's View Of Life #1

Hello again, everybody! Yes, I know, this is not my post about Pena's Palace, however, I have something else to share with you today a...

Hello again, everybody!

Yes, I know, this is not my post about Pena's Palace, however, I have something else to share with you today as well as introducing a new tag: Eva's View Of Life, or sometimes EVOL for extra lameness and for laziness reasons. This tag is going to focus on things that probably most of you can relate to, and today's theme is Oral procedures/A teenager's nightmare.

Now, don't get me wrong, I was all for the "getting braces" thing, what I wasn't expecting was for the dentist to tell me that before that I had to remove "a couple teeth". THREE, he meant THREE... He meant that he was going to rip open my gum and remove a tooth from there. Talk about Friday plans, uh?

But before I tell you all about that wonderful experience let's focus on one of the most relevant things ever: my friends got me this shirt for my birthday.

Yes, I assure you that you are seeing it right. This is clearly a picture of myself, a week after turning 18 years old, wearing a t-shirt that reads: "lol ur not theo james". And let me tell you something about the girl in the picture: she's not even sorry. So, yeah, let's keep in mind that this was the outfit I was wearing while a man was trying to yank a teeth out of my mouth. You're welcome for the mental image there.

So if you're all for strangers making jokes about teeth, people standing way to close to your face and a bunch of needles, this is the post for you!
If you're going to have to face anything similar in a near future, you might actually learn something from my experience.

1-The Pain

Before you start freaking out about how painful it is going to be, let's get something straight: Yes, they are going to remove a piece of you out, however, let me tell you that the worst thing about all of this (at least for me) was the anesthesia they gave me since I have a huge phobia of needles and I may or may not have shed a tear or two...But that was it, besides that the pain was bearable.

2-The doctors

Now let's talk about the pair of wonderful people that performed the "surgery". The duo consisted on a man whose eye color can only be described as dreamy-green-with-some-touches-of-blue-that-were-still-to-close-to-me, and her assistant who was WAY to excited about the appointment. (Let's take a moment to acknowledge the fact that she actually took a picture of my mouth after the surgery. I don't think you understand what actually happened here: she asked me for permission to take a picture of my mouth with her personal phone, no, not for medical purposes or anything, a picture for her to keep...why??). Besides the fact that there's now a stranger with a picture of my bloody (literal meaning here) mouth on her gallery, they were not that bad.

3-The actual procedure

As you may guess I wasn't able really see what they were doing (thank god), but they explained me that they were going to make a small cut (they lost me at that word) and they were going to remove the teeth and close the incision with some stitches - that Shawn Mendes song had never been so appropriate...
Despite being a bit long, It was bearable and honestly  the worst part about it was the boredom. You have nothing to do, you just lay there while the dentist does whatever and while they share private jokes about the people that work at the clinic. Very interesting as you can imagine.

4 - The "after"

Now, for me, this was the real test to my sanity. Let me tell you something: I like to eat, a lot. And having someone tell me that I can eat nothing but yogurts and icecream is my personal hell (don't get me wrong, I love ice cream even more then the children that show up on the commercials, but being limited to soft and cold foods was the death of me). 
I wasn't ready to see my fridge become a supermarket shelf for all kinds of yogurts and soft things. My lowest point was when I managed to convince my family to allow me to eat scramblet eggs but oh, if they had a twist: out of the frezzer... I'm clearly not judging but eating (almost literally) frozen food it's not my thing.

So yeah, in the end it's wasn't as bad as I was thinking since the worst part was the food depravation...Not enjoyable but not a near death experience - that's how I would rate the whole thing.

That's about it, I hope you enjoyed it and if you're going to go trough something like this I hope this helped a little.

Thank you so much if you made it to the end of the post and I hope to see you in the next one maybe?


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