Nice day at the park

Hello!  Since my last post about my Lisbon trip with all my pictures was so well received I thought I'd make another one with some of...


Since my last post about my Lisbon trip with all my pictures was so well received I thought I'd make another one with some of my photos, and to do exactly that I spent half of my lunch break at the park.

Now,  because we don't have a gym at our school teachers use the one at the park to torture us on our two 90 minutes classes we have every week. (Can you feel my pain trough my post? Because it's there.)

Me and my friends were lucky today because normally there's a lady at the gate that always screams: "HEY HEY HEY LADY'S! WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING?!"  (and then she does this [not] adorable thing like Consuela from family guy and goes "No... No... No classes Now... You can't go... No... No...).

She does this because most of the guys that go to the park do it so they can smoke their suspect cigarettes... So luckily today she wasn't there and the men guarding the gate was just like 'Meh' and he let us in.

This is one of the prettiest parks I've ever been to and it has a gym (a paid one with machines, not the one where they make us run), a little stadium (honestly I don't know how those things are called because come on,  do I look like a sporty person? Anyways you'll see it on the pics.), a huge green area with a play area for kids, a cozy cafe, and a place where they keep some deers. Unfortunately, I was not able to photograph the deers because they were all sleeping in the middle of their cage (?).

So I'm gonna shut up now because I wrote a lot today and I hope you enjoy the pictures as much as I enjoyed taking them!


(This was the stadium I was talking about! How in the world are these things called?)

Thank you so much if you made it this far on the post and see you in my next one maybe? 


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