Lisbon Trip

Hello! So it's been a while since my last post mainly because I had no time to sit down and think about what I wanted to write abou...


So it's been a while since my last post mainly because I had no time to sit down and think about what I wanted to write about because of all the tests and presentations I had the last few month. (Month? Year? Millennium? HOW LONG WAS I ON THE OUTSIDE WORLD?!)

A couple of stuff happened and the most (moderately) exciting thing was a school trip to Lisbon. 

So the plan was to do some sort of peddy paper around Lisbon and I had great expectations but,however, it was not that much fun. As a quite sedentary human being, it was a big challenge to run around looking for clues on buildings and goddamn tiny streets.

Worse than having to walk was the streets we walked through. Don't get me wrong, Lisbon is a great city (if you visit the right places), however, this was not the trip to find the best spots of the city...

Since we are studying Lisbon characteristics and problems as well as programs to help recover the old part of the city you can guess how the day went.

When you Google the word Lisbon this are the results you often get:

However, on February 20th we visited the oldest part of the city, it`s "heart". This part of the city is known for its narrow streets and my personal nightmare: STAIRS, OH SO MANY OF THEM!
This part of the city can be described with two main expressions: Stairs and Weird Smells (Oh yes, that kind of weird smells!)

Aside from the walking, stair climbing, unpleasant smells and the foggy weather, the day was actually quite good and the pictures, lunch time and socialization (yup, I actually enjoyed it) made up for the rest.

Now enjoy my collection of pictures from that day and don´t judge my photography skills (wich are quite bad). 

So thank you very much if you made it this far on the post and see you in the next one maybe? 


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