Paris + Disneyland 2014 Throwback (Part 2 - Disneyland)

[Author's Note: Heeeey! I'm still alive, after all, I'm really really really really really sorry that I haven't updated the ...

[Author's Note: Heeeey! I'm still alive, after all, I'm really really really really really sorry that I haven't updated the blog for so long but I'm currently working (Yey summer jobs! This can also be read as: please kill me, I'm so tired...) I hope you enjoy the post and that you will excuse me for my recent absence.] 

Hello again!

It's about time I tell you about my trip to Disneyland, however if you haven't read my post about my Paris tour and you think you might enjoy it just click here
(Spoiler alert: I got lost...Besides that, I was just the weird human being that I am but on a completely new location!)

So after our first day in France we went to the most magical place on Earth: Disneyland (or maybe it's Disneyworld? Perhaps I'll have to check that out one day...)

Being the sixteen-year-old girl I was at the time I think I was way too excited to visit a park mostly made for kids to enjoy... As we got in, the first thing I saw was the Disneyland hotel and let me tell you, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity (overreacting much there, Eva?) and, of course I was going to make the whole family stop so I could take pictures of it!

See the carrousel on the picture above? So there I was, taking all the pictures that I could to remember this day (and also to make sure it was not just a dream) and my mom decides that we should wait on a humongous line to ride on it (yes, my mom made us do it, no, I'm not trying to blame this on her, carousels are just not my thing).

Needless to say we got some funny looks from the other people waiting since the majority of them were parents with their kids, but there we were, three adults and a teenager (my cousin) waiting to ride a carousel (and yes I just considered myself an adult).
All in all, the ride was not that bad however I thought it was a bit short.

So the day went by pretty fast but before the Disney Parade we still managed to go on one of the best rides of the park, in my modest opinion, which is "Space Mountain - Mission 2". This ride consists of a rollercoaster experience with a twist: it´s in complete darkness except for the digital projections you see during the ride. Here´s a video that will certainly illustrate the ride better than my description:

(Skip to 3:45 if you just want to see the ride)

After Space Mountain, it was almost time for the Parade to start so we ran back to the main square to see it and here is a little video I recorded (please ignore the huge amount of children screaming...):

That's about it on my Disneyland trip, thank you so much if you've read it this far and maybe I'll see you in the next one?


Coming next:

Exciting trip to Sintra + Eva walks for 2.5 hours (Yes that happened) 

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