I'm still alive!

Well hello there dear internet fellows! If you're wondering why I haven't posted anything lately, I have a pretty good excuse! W...

Well hello there dear internet fellows!

If you're wondering why I haven't posted anything lately, I have a pretty good excuse!

Who am I kidding? I've spent the last few days watching Youtube videos (surprise, surprise!) and complaining about not getting anything done with my life...

And to aggravate this situation the best event for people that obsess about other people´s lives is happening this weekend!

Of course, I'm talking about PlaylistLive!

For the ones wondering what this is, it's the greatest Youtubers meet up ever! The place where all your dreams come true! (Any resemblance with a Disneyland commercial is pure coincidence) If you are lucky enough to go to this event you will get to know all the people that you prefer over your social life.

And if you don't live in the USA you can join me while I roll on the floor crying because on the other side of the ocean all of your favourite people are on the same building taking selfies.

To aggravate our pain here are some pictures:

The always stunning Jenna Marbles (on the left)

Troye Sivan taking pictures with the ladies!

Tyler Oakley with his lucky fans. (Yes I'm jealous!)

Connor Franta, Zoella and Troye

And last but not least, Phil and Dan getting ready to Par-ty!

I could post a thousand more pictures, but I think you got the idea! If you want to know more about this event make sure you follow @PlaylistLive to get all of the information about your favourite people right on your timeline!

And if you have no clue who these people are fell free to stalk them on YouTube:

Please note that I don't own any of the pictures posted above. All rights go to PlaylistLive's twitter and the Youtubers Instagrams.

Sorry for the long post and see you in the next one maybe?

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