Hi, hello, how are you? Im alive and online at a new site, I dont know if you care but here it is: https://getmetolondonblog.wordpress.c...

Hello again! As you can see by the title, here I am today to tell you all about getting my braces on and live every teenager's wo...

Hello again dear internet strangers! Here I am (late, as always) to tell you all about the Pena Palace. After all the complaining I did ...

Hello again, everybody! Yes, I know, this is not my post about Pena's Palace, however, I have something else to share with you today a...

Hello again dear internet people, Today I´ll be introducing a new, and hopefully weekly, type of post: Random Photos Of The Week, or RPTW ...

Hello again dear Internet strangers!  So as promised I'm here to tell you all about my trip to Sintra, however, being a school trip ...

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